
2024年3月4日—BestMacBookforcollegestudentsthatneedall-outperformance.TheMacBookPro16M3Maxisoverkillforthevastmajorityofcollege ...,2023年5月12日—TheAirisbetterbecauseitislighterandcheaperbutstillprovidesmorethanadequateperformanceformostusers.Italldependsonwhatyou ...,2022年7月25日—TheMacBookProsliquidretinadisplaycanwithstandupto1600nitsofbrightness.TheMacBookAirsLEDbacklitdisplaywithstandupt...

Best MacBook for college students in April 2024

2024年3月4日 — Best MacBook for college students that need all-out performance. The MacBook Pro 16 M3 Max is overkill for the vast majority of college ...

Is Macbook Pro or Macbook Air better for college students?

2023年5月12日 — The Air is better because it is lighter and cheaper but still provides more than adequate performance for most users. It all depends on what you ...

MacBook Air or Pro for College Students

2022年7月25日 — The MacBook Pros liquid retina display can withstand up to 1600 nits of brightness. The MacBook Airs LED backlit display withstand up to ...

Macbook Air or Pro for College?

2013年6月10日 — With the announcment of the new Macbook Air with all day battery life, faster graphics, and better flashstorage I don't know if I should go ...

MacBook Air vs MacBook Pro for College

The liquid retina XRD display in the latest MacBook Pro is the best yet to feature in the MacBook range. The high-resolution display is great for students who ...

Macbook Pro or Macbook Air for a college student?

2013年1月26日 — I would suggest going with the Air. I purchased my MacBook Pro before the retina was released so my MacBook weighs 4.5 pounds. I have one ...

Should I get the MacBook Air 15” or the MacBook Pro 13” ...

2024年1月4日 — Is Macbook Pro or Macbook Air better for college students? ... 13-inch 256GB to an Apple Macbook ... Stick to the Macbook Air or Macbook Pro Retina.

The best MacBook for college in 2024

2024年3月11日 — At college, a MacBook is a work machine, a communication device, an entertainment center and more. Here's how to choose the right one.

The best MacBook for students

2024年1月9日 — Yes, MacBook Pros and even the newer 2022 MacBook Air offer more power, but unless you're studying on a course that requires you to use ...


